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Top 5 Best Appointment Booking HTML templates

Template Name Price Sales Rating
Starbis $75 744 5/5
Visage $75 270 5/5
Medina $75 169 5/5
Sana $75 186 5/5
Real Estate $75 138 5/5

Any type of business requires some kind of bridge to connect clients and the company’s management. The typical way of attracting new customers is making a phone call, followed by a scheduled appointment. With the fast growth of web technology and eCommerce, lots of users started looking for services on the web to contact via chat and schedule the meetings. Every Appointment Booking template in this category is generally business-oriented and niche-specific. Its features allow your users to book appointments directly from your site without additional software from you.

Who Can Use Booking Appointment Template?

An Appointment Booking Website template helps to make much easy work of the office-manager who has to answer the calls all day or scheduling the clients’ visits to the doctor. Instead, all users can directly book a meeting through a contact form, similar to how you would send an email, or make an online payment. Every Appointment Website Templat from this collection is suitable for almost all types of business and service:

  • Travel agencies;
  • Hotels;
  • Restaurants;
  • Health care websites;
  • Medical services;
  • Lawyer offices;
  • nd other businesses that provide professional services.

Check the collection of Appointment Booking HTML templates to find the perfect appointment page template for your needs. If there is any question, write to the support team, and we will help you choose the right web design for your business.

What Features Should Have an Appointment HTML Template?

Using a good Premium Appointment HTML Template not only saves your time in looking for special booking widgets but also guarantee an enriching customer experience. It happens, because the users are not only given the ability to book anytime, but they also get booking confirmation and reminders.

Here, we’ve listed some of the most important features that you should consider choosing an Appointment Booking HTML Template:

  • Rescheduling;
  • Mobile-friendly interface;
  • Should not become slow with many bookings;
  • Automatic reminders;
  • Approval feature before confirming the appointment;
  • Easy calendar views.

No worries, every template for booking appointments in this category is integrated with a drag-and-drop page builder with fully responsive Bootstrap framework. All retina ready pages, layouts, sliders, and custom blocks are easy to customize and easy to use.
The layout of the templates is clean and elegant. It will be the perfect fit for event and travel agencies, hospitals, and meeting planning sites. Concentrating on essentials, the design of the templates keeps the users’ attention focused on the things that matter the most: your services and call to actions.
SEO-friendly CSS landing page will make your site ranks higher in the search results. This HTML 5 themes with optimized code include HTML editor, Google maps, Google fonts, social media options, PayPal integration, and other useful points to enhance the online presence of the company.

Tutorial for Mobile-Friendly Website Design

Websites that aren’t responsive don’t have the chance to be top-rated by Google within our fast-evolving digital life. So we prepared for you an awesome video about six Things OVERLOOKED In Mobile-Friendly Website Design. In this mobile-friendly website layout guide, you will find the most important things you have to take care of when designing for mobile devices

Appointment Booking Templates FAQ

What sort of skill level do I need to customize this template for booking appointments?

You do not need to be a computer geek in order to use and book an appointment page design. They all have user-friendly designs so they are easy to use for users with basic computer skills, as well as those who are more experienced.

Do I need to set up additional software for booking the appointments?

No, you don’t need it. All widgets for scheduling the meetings are included in our templates. Additionally, you may check the integration of the website and your CRM system.

Do you provide technical support if I will book an appointment template?

Yes, we do. Our professional support team will be happy to help you 24/7.

Who can help me with installing and customizing the appointment website template?

We offer many different website services. Due to this question, we can recommend services such as Hire a Web Designer, Custom Logo Design Services, and Website Installation Service. Choose what you need.