Best Magazine Google Slides Themes & Templates

The Internet has revolutionized every aspect of human life. Digital versions are becoming more famous than physical. Nowadays, everyone enjoys reading stories through digital magazines. Anyone can update knowledge through online blogs. Social media is a fast way of spreading messages like a fire in the jungle. Download our best magazine Google Slides template to increase engagement through social platforms.

Who Can Use Magazine Google Slides Templates

It can be used to decide about data, collect relevant information, and select photographs for blog posts. However, the following people can also use it:

  1. Bloggers.
  2. Social media planners.
  3. Publishers.
  4. Photographers.
  5. SEO experts.
  6. Authors.

Pressperson increases sales by marketing. And tells customers what they are going to launch. A photo artist needs publicity to show his work. He requires a proper photo gallery to showcase his master art as a photojournalist. Search engine optimization is a difficult task to do. You have to manage many things like specific keywords and a place to write them. To increase sales, article writers demand someplace to summarize their content before publishing.

How to Create an Outstanding Presentation with Blog & Media Google Slides Themes

What is the meaning of outstanding? The answer is simple: to attract tension. Now how to make a presentation is very challenging. It requires some design aptitude along with communication skills. There are crucial because it is a way of contact. If you are a newbie, download our best themes and follow these easy steps:

  1. Learn about the interests of your audience. What are they reading or watching more? What do people search for, and what kind of pictures are they looking for?
  2. Adjust the project design (if needed) and make it your business boost engine. Put the name of a person, signature illustrations, and address.
  3. We suggest "Comfortaa," "Nunito," "Verdana" as style fonts. They look elegant and stylish simultaneously. 18 or greater sizes of typefaces will be suitable.
  4. Chunks grab concentration, so avoid long sentences. Do not add stories. Make every to the point.
  5. Are you a publisher, blogger, or social media planner? Use stunning color combinations like black with golden or orange. On social websites, only those posts or photos get clicks that have pleasant colors.
  6. A task of a photographer can't be complete without any image. Likewise, networking websites and bloggers need pictures to support their statements.
  7. Add animations more than text. Position, for example, a cartoon showing your project. But limit transitions with little effects like flying or fading out.
  8. Videos are an essential part of marketing. People love to watch what they listen to, which is a way to create a strong bond. Put only relevant materials.

Key Features of Blog & Media Google Slides Themes

A good quality project requires good features:

  1. 1920x1080p Resolution.
  2. Complete editable illustrations.
  3. Free premium fonts.
  4. Placeholders for images & videos.
  5. Huge variety of colors.
  6. Animation & transition.
  7. High-quality videos.
  8. Free updates.

Magazine Google Slides Templates FAQ

The best resolution for the magazine Google Slides template?

A full high-definition resolution will be perfect. An aspect ratio of 16x9 is an ideal resolution. Low-resolution pixelate images deliver a wrong impression because if it is not clear, people will lose interest and get bored.

Can I make a liveliness video in the magazine Google Slides template?

Yes, you had to give motion to your pictures and text by applying animations & transitions. It is hard work to do. We advise you to use any third-party website to download liveliness pictures and text.

Can I add more videos to the magazine Google Slides template?

Put clips in a fair amount because statements need some visual explanation. Please do not place an excessive amount of them.

How to add hyperlinks in magazine Google Slides template?

Please follow these simple steps:
  1. Select the text and right-click on it.
  2. A small menu will appear.
  3. Click on the hyperlink.
  4. A dialogue box will open and prompt you for a link.
  5. Place your link in it, and hit ok.
  6. Now, your hyperlink is active.

Free Trendy Fonts for Magazine Google Slides Themes

Check out the newest collection of free fonts for publishers, photographers projects. Make your Blog & Media presentations in Google Slides even more catchy and exctiting!